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Picture Book Author Events Online
On 13 March, 2020, a week before U.K schools closed for the first time, I started making storytime videos for families who were self-isolating at home due to the covid-19 pandemic.
Logo copyright Chris Haughton
Enquire online if you would like to discuss a project with me.
Call to Action
Later that day, I put out a call to other authors and illustrators to see if anyone wanted to join me in creating free resources for families and teachers.
I felt this was something we could do to help people struggling to support children during self-isolation and school closures. At the time, nobody knew what the impact of the pandemic would be or how long it would last.
Image: Caryl Hart storytime
Free Resources for Families
Three days later, with the help of author Jonathan Emmett, we set up Picture Book Author Events Online. A free collection of specially-created storytime videos and downloadable resources for anyone caring for children at home.
This was months before any of the major agencies had responded.
Image: Jonathan Emmett Storytime
Over 1,000 Storytime Videos
By the middle of April, we had published over 1,000 storytime videos from over 45 authors and illustrators - and amassed over 1,000 followers on our facebook page.
Our resources were also used by teachers supporting home-learners and key workers’ children in the classroom.
I set up and managed a listings page to highlight live online picture book events, and created a web page of free downloadable resources for parents and educators to use.
Image: Caryl Hart Storytime at Abbey Primary School
Guidance for Creatives
Jonathan and I produced guidance for others wishing to create and broadcast story videos, including information on copyright permission, using zoom technology and child safeguarding.
At the time, very few people were familiar with video conferencing technology, so our work helped many creatives gain confidence and learn to be comfortable with online events.
Image: James Mayhew Storytime
Keeping Visible
All but the most famous authors and illustrators rely on their own efforts to promote their books to readers. So platforms like Picture Book Author Events Online helped authors and illustrators to remain visible and help promote their work at a time of great uncertainty.
Visit Picture Book Author Events Online Facebook
Image: Benji Davies Storytime
With huge thanks to Chris Haughton for creating the project logo and to all these authors and illustrators who gave their time to contribute:
Steve Antony, Catherine Barr, Rob Buddulph, Cerrie Burne, Nathan Bryon, Jill Calder, Jane Clarke, Coo Clayton, Benji Davies, Nicola Davies, Helen Docherty, Elys Dolan, Julia Donaldson, Malachy Doyle, Jonny Duddle, Jonathan Emmett, Charlie Farley, Jane Clarke, Jim Field, Kes Gray, Caryl Hart, Chris Haughton, Timothy Knapman, Steven Lenton, Ben Mantle, James Mayhew, David Melling, Lydia Monks, Sarah McIntyre, Susannah Lloyd, Tom McLaughlin, Guy Parker -Rees, Tom Percival, Jane Porter, Kjartan Poskitt, Joshua Siegal, Zeb Soanes, Robert Starling, Kristina Stephenson, Linda Strachan, Ed Vere, Chris White, Gill White, Mo Willems.